
Stormy Bubbles!

We had a very bad storm this weekend. Dakota was terrified by the ice balls falling from the sky, but I was just fine with staying inside with the moms. It even snowed here in Texas in April. What?

Mom also made some cool bubbles in the house. I had never seen bubbles, and I was fascinated. I even ate one of them! Mostly I just watched with wonder as the pretty little spheres floated around.

Dakota was totally bored with the bubbles - I was very glad, because she normally wrecks everything. She totally killed an Occy this weekend. Poor Occy.

This was actually first stage killing. She proceeded to pull off all his little tentacles. She also killed an orange Occy. I can never have any cool toys.

I was totally into more belly rubs, too. I am feeling better after being sort of sickly for about 10 days. I slept a lot and did not play with Dakota at all. The moms have been very worried. All better now, though.


Cairo The Boxer said...

Looking good Cubby!! Like your spots.

Glad you are feeling better. I have to tell my parents about the bubbles maybe they will get me some.

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Glad you're feeling better Cubby. What a shame naughty Dakota breaks all your toys!

Are your bubbles flavoured? I have a bubble gun that shoots out bacon flavour bubbles, yummy!

Oscar x

Simba and Jazzi said...

That weather looks nasty, I guess no-one went out on that motorbike that day.

Simba xx

Dandy Duke said...

Your tummy looks so clean!
I've had bubbles to play with before. They're fun!

Love ya lots,

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Cubby, that weather sounded like it was very bad. We are glad you came through it without any problems! Dakota is just like Andy, they both have to tear or break up all the new toys. Maybe they should live together. We are glad you are feeling better. We hope you got lots of tummy rubs.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Peanut said...

Oh bubbles are fun but my girl says don't drink the stuff that makes them or you get a belly ache. She did that when she was little. And what is Dakota doing killing all the toys. That isn't right. Glad you are feeling better.

Finnegan said...

Glad you are well! My kitty friends have catnip bubbles. That seems pretty fancy.


Anonymous said...

Well... dogmom says we're weirdogs because storms don't bother us. Opie's afraid of bubbles... I wuf them (mostly just because Opie's scared!)
Wuf Ya! Gomer & Opie

Emily and Ike said...

Glad you're starting to feel better - our weather has been weird too.

Anonymous said...

Wow - that was some storm. I don't think I would have liked it either.

Fu Fu said...

It's weird that you still get snow in April.. The bubbles look very fun. :)

~ fufu

Texas's Mum said...

Hey Cubby,
My hoomans got me a bubble making
machine for one of my birthdays
bubbles are a lot of fun.
I feel bad for you that your toy
was broken maybe hide your toys
where Dakota can not find them.

Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).

P.S. My mum said for me to tell you
she thinks you are a handsome doggie she loves the last picture.

Brody the Bulldog said...

So are those bubbles the chicken flavored kind?

Myeo said...

Sick? What happen?

We are kinda shocked to see the octopus like that. Isnt he from the Cuz family.

Boy n Baby

Willie and Waylon said...

We are so happy you are feeling better! We had ice balls fall from the sky too...very scary.
We want to try the bubbles....