We got two new hedgehogs. Of course Dakota monopolized both of them and dropped them in the water bowl. Why does she have to do that? Mom had to crawl all around drying up the wet drippings in the kitchen.

We played so hard everyone was wiped out. Dakota even had to sleep by the hedgehog.

And Trina is totally in charge of that house (sorry to tell everyone, Dude). She is a pistol. When she growls, Dakota and I just walk away (quickly).

trina is soo super duper cute! I'd listen to whatever she has to say too!
Poor dude! He welcomes a dog another dog in his house and then he looses his place. How is Dora???
Oh I'd listen to what trina said to. You never know what might be hiding beneath that hair. Mom says yuck skiperkees (I know I spelled that wrong) she knew two when she was younger and hated them.
Doesn't it hurt when you pick up a hedge hog? Cute little things aren't they.
Simba xx
Don't mess with Trina, hey?!
I've got a new boxer friend called Maddie who I play with nearly every day, she's sooooo cool. I'll have to get mum to take some photos!
Oscar x
Yeah you gotta watch those little Trina types. When they rule, they rule! I would run too. Might as well obey, Cubby, no sense of having to be embarrassed you know?
hahah ...she's in charge... a real beauty...no wonder she's sitting up high
That Trina looks like a tuff little gal. I wouldn't mess with her either. Smart thinking Cub & Dakota.
Trina looks like a queen on her throne!
Thank you for donating in Breeze's honor.
Woh Trina sure looks bossy in that pic. :) Are the hedgehog dry and ready to play now?
~ girl girl
Trina scares the crap out of me.
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