He looks cute, right? But when he's hanging from your lip - not so cute! I especially get mad when he goes after my back legs.

See the resemblance below? That's why we call him the pee-ranha. Well, there's another reason, too. Can you guess?
You should hear the shrieks in the house when he goes after mom's toes instead of my face or Dakota's. That part is pretty funny. I really do enjoy playing with Magoo. I hope we can find the best home ever for him!
those magoo teef... ah yes, i remember now! i was turning into a pee-ranha and had those pix taken about slightly over a year ago too! my gums were really itchy then...
You sure are good with him Cubby! It wasn't so long ago that I had to deal with deadly teeth! Glad it's behind me!
Love ya lots,
Aw, you're such a good foster brother to Magoo.
Oscar x
You're so patient, I don't know if I would be! We hope Magoo finds an awesome family too!
Thrawn & The Brat Pack
You are much nicer to him then I would be. We hope he finds a great home too.
Cool little friend! I would be nervous aroudn those little teefers too. Yikes!
I'm loosing all my teef but they just fall out, I don't get to be a pee-ranha. My mommy keeps finding them on the floor by her kitchen table...I hope she doesn't figure out that I'm chewing on it!
Mommy says to tell you she's a big fan of your blog. She lives in DFW and as soon as she gets a house, she wants to get her own Legacy Rescued boxer!
~ Lucy the GREAT
I hope you find Magoo a great home soon. We always loved to find our foster brothers and sisters their people. They were usually great to have at our house for a while, but it was even better when they got their own
woaaah those are some scary teeth! at least the doofus doesnt bite me!
Looks like the moms are having fun with a new puppy :)
Don't worry Cubby, I am sure Mr. Magoo will find a great home!!!
I am a bit of trouble, but don't tell anyone...they are all entranced by my cuteness.
I don't think the rain will ever end! Pretty soon the little ditch outside the apartment will turn into a swimming pool, but I bet it wouldn't be fun to go swimming in.
Wow--Magoo has got some MOXIE, eh? And teeth. Sheesh!
Oh my god! He looks like trouble!
Niko used to bite me all over my face too, now I don't play with her as much! Very cute pic of you both though!
Hanging from you lip?????????????Yeesh! I would be hiding fromt that thing! The resemblence to the pirhanna is fershtunking amazing!
Wow, his teeth look exactly like that pee-ranha!
Oh, Cubster, you are too funny! That little Magoo is lucky to have you to hang off of!
- Charlie
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