
Cubby Car!

Look at my car! I let my mom drive it for me, but it is obviously mine, right?

But why I am showing you now? I was thrilled to find my new bumpersticker in the mail today!

If you look closely, you can see that mom put it on crooked. Even though she is incompetent at putting stickers on bumpers, it is pretty cute!

I was very pleased with the quality of the sticker. It is supposed to be fade resistant, but we will see about that in time.

Guess what? You can have your own bumpersticker!

I can design one specially for you! You can send your picture and text to me at cubbytheboxer@gmail.com. I'll design a sticker for you and send it to you for approval. Once you approve it, I will send you a bumpersticker. It is only $15 (shipping included) for the first one. If you want more , it is only $7 for every additional sticker in the same order. You can see examples of my Cubby Art here.

And, half the profits go to Legacy Boxer Rescue, to help save boxers!


Joe Stains said...

That is so so cool!!!

Cairo The Boxer said...

I agree with Joe! That is cool but why not a picture of you?

My mom doesn't have my name on her car...and CAIRO would fit! I need to speak to that woman.

Hey, are you doing the paw olympics?

Simba and Jazzi said...

How cool is that! It looks straight to my Mummy, that says it all really.

Simba x

Peanut said...

That is about the coolest thing ever.

Koa said...

I must show this to Mom- I need a KoaMobile!

The Army of Four said...

How cool! Your own car AND your own chauffeur!
Play bows,

One of the pack said...

What a cool cubby car with extra cool signage. Your Mom is lucky you let her borrow your carriage.

I think there's a song in here like:

Chillin' in Cubby's Chariot.

Happy Weekend.

Loving Life,

Moco said...

That is WAY cool. If we can ever get nutso Grammie into gear we want one of those and t-shirts also. Don't hold your breathe as she can bearly find her way out of the house.

L said...

Woah! That's so cool that you get your own car .... but what about Dakota? What's she get?

Unknown said...

Hi D,

Can you design me a DFW Tzus and More bumper sticker with the T-man's photo on it? I'll bet I could get a few more orders from our group for LBR!

Tristan's mom