
Oh No!

Just when we were celebrating the recovery of Baloo, today, Legacy Boxer Rescue got in two boxers in even worse condition than he was in! It is sickening!

Luckily, our fearless leader allowed us to rescue these two, even though we haven't quite made our goal. We are at $9,500, though - only $500 to go!

This is Donut. She was stolen from her owners 3 months ago, and found in this condition.

Unfortunately, they couldn't afford the treatment needed to get Donut back on her feet, so they agreed to let rescue take care of little Donut.

And this pretty face is Mindy. She's even skinnier than poor Donut, if you can believe it!

Thanks so much for taking them in, Kathy and Serena. You guys are amazing!

Please help us reach our goal and take care of these poor babies. You can donate to Legacy Boxer Rescue by clicking on the sad boxer at the top right of the page.

Thanks, my blogger buddies. The fund drive is almost over!


The Brat Pack said...

Thank Dog for LBR!!

One of the pack said...

Go Legacy! This is just heart wrenching. Thank you especially to the fosters who will be nursing these kids back to health.

The Forget Sit and Stay Gang

Simba and Jazzi said...

Poor dogs. I'm glad you are there to help them.

Simba x

BigBrownBearBear said...

thank you for visiting bigbrownbearbear.blogspot.com

I'll be linking you up! Come back soon!

L said...

How could anybody do that to their dogs? Good thing you are there to help.

Peanut said...

I would like to starve whoever did that to those poor doggies

Meg said...

that is just gut-wrenching. At least now they will get some good food and love.

Lizzy said...

Oh, that really is sickening! The poor dogs, I'm so glad you guys are able to help them!


Eduardo said...

This has got to stop! How can a human be so cruel? Oh these things upset me & my mommy to no end! Well thank Dog they are safe now!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Duke said...

This is absolutely inexcusable! Those poor doggies!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

How could LBR not take in those poor dogs. Grammie says that she worked some over time and can pitch in a few more bucks. We would really like to see you reach your goal.

Koa said...

LBR and their foster parents are angels! Words could never express the gratitude I have for them!

I am so happy Donut & Mindy are safe now.

One of the pack said...

Y'all exceeded your goal. Yippee!!!!!

Raising Addie said...

Those poor babies! You're a true life saver. :)