
Lip Smacking Eggs

I must extend my thanks today for expiration dates! The moms got a little behind on their egg consumption, and viola - eggs for the pups!

So these perfect looking, if not so fresh, eggs get the honor of being cooked up just for me.

A broken yolk! Guess what, kids - I do not care one bit! I do have to monitor the cooking, though...

Looking pretty good, mom. She decided to fry the eggs instead of scramble them. Again, as long as I get to eat them, I don't care.

Good flip job, but why are there three eggs? Two dogs, three eggs - oh I get it. One for me, one for Dakota, and one for me!

Heaven! Now if I could only get my hands on an expiration date stamp, I could doctor up some more egg cartons.

Eggs are delicious! Everybody should have some!


Peanut said...

I love eggs. Mom doesn't like to give them to me to often since they give me gas.

Joe Stains said...

eggs are the best, and they are super good for your furs!! yum!

Cairo The Boxer said...

makes my coat shine! My parents give me this all the time.

L said...

mmmm.... we love eggs. Our girl doesn't eat the yolks so we always get that part.

Thanks for telling us about expiration dates. I don't think our girl knew that eggs expire. Maybe now will will get more.

Bella the Boxer said...

Wow, you guys are EGGS-tremely lucky! Get it? Ha ha.

xoxo - Bella

Mike and Mati said...

Eggs! We love eggs! I wish Dad would let eggs expire...darn.

Duke said...

Gee, we don't get very many eggs! We're going to have to see about changing that in a hurry!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ari_1965 said...

Your stovetop is so clean!

Anonymous said...


Isn't it nice to have humans that can cook to order? Next time, get your mom to cook some bacon ahead, crumble it up, then make you an omelet. What a delicious way to start the day!



Simba and Jazzi said...

I have never had eggs, I will try some now.

Simba x

Le Mops said...

maybe the eggs make that terrible smell come from Dakota! You should eat them all!
Le Mops

Moco said...

Eggs are good. We love them hard boiled. By the way, everything gives Peanut gas.

Harry said...

Hmmm, I think there is an egg lurking in our fridge. Just need to work out how to avid sharing with Cassidy!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Chef said...

You are eggxactly right. Eggs are great but they give me Boxerbreath.
Who cares?
