
My Thanksgiving


One of the pack said...


Come on over for a quick lesson on counter cruising. Forget waiting on these humans. You'll starve to death!

Maxwell Smart and Jefferson Pagoda
Fosters at www.forgetsitandstay.blogspot.com

L said...

We're dying to know....did you ever get any of that ham???

Moco said...

What ever is a matter with those hoomans? Don't they know that you are an important part of this holiday season? I don't understand them at all sometimes.

Cassidy said...

I too would have just couner surfed!

Cassidy x

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

At least your people make ham smell available. My only eat vegetables--so we have to try and get excited about tofu and carrots.

Simba and Jazzi said...

You'll fade away to nothing like that! You have to work on training those humans to give you ham.
Simba x

Joe Stains said...

What a thoughtless bunch of humans, that is when you have to step in and take matters into your own paws, or jaws.

Cairo The Boxer said...

So did you get any? My birthday always falls near or on Thanksgiving so I get all I want.

Peanut said...

Did you get any? I hope so