
The Oven Saga

Now that the oven saga has ended (or at least seems to have ended), I can tell the story without risk of being sent to bed without my supper. Mom was pretty upset.

It all started on Saturday night. Now, you may not know this, but Saturday night is pizza night. Every Saturday night, the moms sit down to play a game and they bake an Amy's pizza. Mom gets very grumpy if her routine gets upset (and she tells people that boxers like schedules - ha).

Anyway, the oven was preheating, the feta cheese draining on top, and the moms were playing Can't Stop. I was getting ready to ask for my supper, because I can't resist interrupting their game for my own personal pleasure. Suddenly, a weird hissing sound came from the oven. We all went in the kitchen to investigate. Mom opened the oven and the heating element was on fire! The moms turned off the oven, turned it back on, and there was no more heat. Uh-Oh...

After some cussing, the moms decided to have grilled cheese sanwiches and soup for supper. There was no happiness in Cubbyville.

We live in an apartment, so on Monday, mom called the office, and they sent out someone to help me fix the oven.

We worked very hard, replaced the heating element, and even fixed one of the burners that was having some trouble. Dakota did not help at all - she just barked at my helper.

Tuesday night, the moms decided to have a make-up pizza. They started the oven preheating, put the feta on the oven to drain, and sat down to play Can't Stop. I was getting ready to ask for my supper, because I can't resist interrupting their game for my own personal pleasure. Suddenly, there is a loud pop in the kitchen. Uh oh... The moms go in there, and the oven is dead again. No heat at all. What's more, now the burners don't work either! Oh my! What can we have for supper?

The next day, mom went down to the office to discuss this with them. I'm glad she didn't take me, because I don't want to hear that kind of scene. They sent the worker back later that day with a "new" oven. I really gave it to the guy for not fixing the oven properly. Dakota did nothing.

The "new" oven is really exactly like the old one, ancient and green, but it seems to be working for now...

Mom is still angry...but she finally got her pizza...


threecollie said...

Good thing you were there to help, Cubby, or who knows what might have happened. Did you get any pizza?

Joe Stains said...

stinkin ovens and stupid helpers. You did a great job supervising!

Peanut said...

Oh man at least you got a working one for now. Hopefully it stays that way

Abby said...

geeez. That's apartment living. I had the same problem with the washer at my old apartment. I had to get vocal with the "manager" over the whole situation. Green ovens seem to last a long time.
Abby, Olivia and Taz

Moco said...

I am so glad that you were there to keep that worthless oven repair person in line. What was he thinking not fixing it correctly? I tell you Dakota and Dawson make the best pair of goofs around.

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Good job supervising! We hope you got some pizza for a reward!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm glad to hear your Mum finally got pizza.

Simba x

L said...

We will make sure to not let our girl read this post. As it is, she is terrified of our oven. If she thinks about all the hissing and popping and fire, she might not even go into our kitchen anymore!

Glad your moms eventually got their pizza, and a new oven so you shouldn't have any more problems.

Comet and BLU

One of the pack said...

I bet if the two of you breathed on the pizza it would heat up!

The Forget Sit and Stay Gang

Samantha: said...

Cool blog - I just found you through DWB! Hope you got some pizza? I've been around for a few months, but am making new friends and wanted to give you an award! Stop by when you get a chance! Good to meet you and love reading your very creative blog!

velocibadgergirl said...

Ha! Great post :)

My favorite part was the "slacker" caption.