
Thanks For the Birthday Wishes!

Hi Gang! Here I am, then and now. What a difference 4 years makes! I think I look very distinguished with my gray hair, don't you? The Moms kind of dropped the ball on the whole birthday thing but that's okay, I am turning it into my birthday week! So far since my birthday, I have gotten some of that nummy Hawaiian bread, bison jerkey, homemade dog cookies (thanks Auntie KC!!) and a couple bites of people cookies. I heard Moms talking about a present tonight and Frosty Paws tomorrow! I can hardly wait!


Peanut said...

Sounds like you are getting good stuff for them missing it.

Moco said...

Check out my blog for a birthday wish. You are truly one great looking guy. You look better in your gray hair than the crazy old bat looks in hers. We love you, guys. Milk this for all the treats you can get.

The Musketeers said...

Wow, a little different comparing to 4 years back, but still, one gorgeous dog :D

L said...

Happy birthday week. Enjoy all your treats. Our girl usually forgets ours.

Casey said...

Gray hair just makes a dog look more distinguished. Happy birthday! (And keep milking it for all it's worth. An old man deserves LOTS of treats and toys!)

Joe Stains said...

I think you look GREAT!! Enjoy the pressies and the frosty paws!!

home exchange said...

Happy birthday! What a handsome dog you are.... and yes indeed, very George Clooney with the hair! Lovely blog :-)

threecollie said...

Congrats Cubby, you have fans all over the world!

Cairo The Boxer said...

Happy belated birthday my love. I miss you!

Simba and Jazzi said...

We are back! We have missed all our DWB friends.

Simba and Jazzi xx