
Slippy Game

Dakota loves the little room with the Secret Door. There is a lovely roll of white nummies just waiting for her to eat it. There is a big fresh water bowl to tempt her. But the main thing she loves about the little room is...

The Slippy Game!

Mom keeps her boxer slippers in the little room to protect them from Dakota. Dakota loves the boxer slippies, and whenever mom opens the door to the little room, Dakota shoves her way in there, grabs the slippy, and RUNS!

Mom chases her around the house - Dakota gets very excited! Yeah slippy! Mommy retired the not-so-intact boxer slippies after Christmas when she got some shark slippies. One of the sharks is missing a fin, but mostly Dakota destroys the boxer...

1 comment:

Cairo The Boxer said...

I love stealing Daddy's shoes from his closet. The leather ones taste really good.

I hope Dakota sticks with the slippers -- he doesn't have any hidden aggression problems, does he? He's not going to eat you next is he?