I got a cool free birthday toy from PetsMart (finally, my moms went and picked one up). It's a football with arms and legs.

Of course, very quickly the evil Dakota swiped it!

But there is a new evil in town - an even greater evil than Dakota.

After seven years of living offline, I am taking my boxer self and going DIGITAL! Live my adventures!
You get no respect!
Bussie Kissies
looks like there is a new sheriff in town if you know what I mean!!!
Hey Cubbys,
HAPPYS LATE BARKDAY!!! I was locked up in a kennel while my peeps were off drivin' arounds the country. I couldn't get to the magic typer in the office, so I couldn't bark to anydog.
What a cooools chew toy but looks like your temporary chew toy got YOUR new chews toy. Maybe you betters chew on the temp chew toy some mores. Whews!
Hope you had a great days.
Awww my poor baby! I will share all my toys with you.
No respect at all! Poor Cubby!!
But maybe this will make you feel better...you've been tagged to play 7 facts/habits about me :) Hope you're up for it.
See the rules of this tag
Newfie kisses!
Cool football! Mitch would dive in and steal it from me too so I totally understand just how that is Cubby!
Love ya lots,
Aw Cubby, I can't believe they stole your special barkday toy. maybe I am glad I'm an only dog!
Oscar x
I don't do sharing.
Simba xx
Poor Cubby! You gotta watch out for the little ones.
Wow cool birthday present, Cubby! I hope you had a greaaaaaat day. Unfortunately it appears at though you have a bit of a pest on your paws. I suggest you eat him.
Those little ones are trouble. Cool toy though!
The Brat Pack
Cant believe they took you barkday pressie away from you.
Boy n Baby
Happy belated bark barkday!!
nice toy you have, Cubby. I bet its nice to chew.
You gotta fight for your rights!
How long did your stuffie last? Mine are dead within minutes!
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