Mom says I have to thank my friend and Legacy Boxer Rescue volunteer, Cheryl, for my cool raincoat. Uh, THANKS, Cheryl!!! Mom says I look adorable, and that I'll get used to it, and will stay dry!
On another note, my foster brother and chew toy, Magoo, is not here tonight. He has to spend all day tomorrow at the vet. They hope they can find out what's wrong with him, that makes him shake and walk funny. If they would just ask me, I would tell them - he is a total freak!
He potties in the house. He bites my face and ears. He slows down our walks. He steals our toys and bones. He barks at the television. And the stench that he spews all over the house is incredible! The shaking and staggering is the LEAST of his problems!
Look you two having a cuddle, thats so sweet.
Simba xx
I can see Magoo tugging on your raincoat! He's so cute!
I hope the vet finds out why he shakes and stumbles! Poor Magoo! Major AireZen is going his way!
Love ya lots,
Aw, Magoo does sound like a bit of a pest, but I do feel sorry for him. I hope the vet finds out what's wrong and can fix it.
Oscar x
You love the rain? You must be crazy. Maybe it's not so bad if you have a rain coat. I know you've seen my blog about how I'm hating the rain, so I won't get into that!!
I have that same raincoat!! And I hate it tooo!!!!!
Thanks cubby my mom says I need a raincoat now. I hope they find out what is wrong with Magoo the poor little guy.
we have raincoats IN THE DESERT, clearly our mom is insane. As for Magoo, I would check under all of that fur for a doofus dot!
You are invited to our costume pawty.
hahahhahhahhahah cubsters!! had I known just how SILLY you would have looked in that rain coat, I'd have tried it on kaiser and lola first!!
:) :) :)
I'm with you--I hate the rain and I wouldn't wear a coat. I'll hold it, thanks!
I hope they figure out the problem with Magoo.
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