
The Hunt for Orange Duck Foot

Today, Dakota and I were innocently playing with one of our many ducks (They are Dakota's favorite, so we have lots). Suddenly, one of the duck's feet was missing!

Not just torn up or torn off, but totally gone. This started a quest that we call, The Hunt for Orange Duck Foot.

We started by looking in Dakota's crate. That seemed a logical place, but all we found was a dog bed and lots of long, black hair...

I got an inspiration and looked in the stuffy hospital. It seemed a logical place to find a wounded stuffy part. I found my pink loofah dog (darn that Dakota) and another duck, but no loose foot...

Dakota looked in her food bowl. All she found was a few crumbs. She looks in there several times a day, anyway, in case food might magically appear. Alas, no foot...

I decided to look in the freezer. Not that there's room in there for a duck foot, anyway, but all I found was a bunch of food. Hey moms, want some ice cream? (We always get to lick the bowl). Not even a hint of orange...

Dakota thought maybe the foot was in the chocolate box. I know it looks like a microwave, but it's not. It holds the chocolate. We have another microwave for when we want to warm up food. You might think mom has a bit of a sweet tooth. If you think that, you are correct! I found lots of chocolaty goodness, but no duck parts...

So, after an exhaustive hunt, we have reached the only conclusion possible. The duck foot must be in Dakota's belly. I don't swallow the things that I tear apart, so it must be her.

Now we are reduced to hunting for the foot in Dakota's poop. How humiliating. The moms even took a flashlight on our walk tonight. I was mortified. For the record, there was no foot...


Molly the Airedale said...

Gee, where do you think that foot got to? Did it get tossed underneath the sofa maybe?
Mom is drooling over your chocolate box! She says it looks like there's a lot of good stuff in there! We wouldn't know!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Brat Pack said...

Your Moms aren't going to sew it back on after Dakota poops it out are they?!?!? EEEEEWWWWWWWWWW.


One of the pack said...

That's quite a search. I think you'll need to search a few parks, Sonic's drive thru and maybe even a Petsmart.

King of Tug

Peanut said...

My mom wants a chocolate box too. Make your mom search for the duck foot in dakota's poop. You are beyond that.

Harry said...

Yes, ma says she spent much time looking for bits of various soft toys in Oscar's poop. Humans are so odd!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Bella the Boxer said...

Wow, look at that chocolate box!! If my Dad sees that picture he's gonna want one for himself.

xoxo - Bella

Joe Stains said...

I see Tofutti Cuties, Mom LOVES those! ice cream makes her stomach hurt, but not those things!

I hope you find your foot soon!!

Moco said...

Dawson is always pooping out ear plugs. They are orange like your duck's foot. Do you think Dawson might have snuck over and got it?
That chocolate box is a great idea. Hopefully no one turns on the microwave.

wally said...

Whoa! That's worrisome with the foot-in-poop business. I hope you find it somewhere, um, cleaner!


ps. Your freezer looks like our freezer! But my ma ape is totally jealous of the chocolate box!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

uh oh did someone eat it? sorry duckie is missing a footie but at least ya'll have your stuffies all together already cos Mr T said May 8th is National Stuffie day so us doggie need to show our best pics of our stuffies!

Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud xo

Lizzy said...

Oh my... The moment you said the orange duck foot was missing, I thought, "Look in the poop!". I bet that's where it is. But like the Brat Pack said, your human isn't gonna sew it back on again, is she?


Lacey said...

Our money is on the foot being in Dakota's poop. If your moms find it there, are they going to wash it and sew it back on?