
Getting There!

I looked at the Legacy Boxer Rescue website today, and guess what I saw! Here it is!

We're moving on toward our $10,000 goal. We still need your help to cross the finish line. Our rescue has saved over 200 boxers in 2008, and it has cost a pretty penny. Our fearless leader refuses to let us go into debt (Thank you, Sharon!), a very wise decision in my opinion. Because of that, we were forced to stop taking in new dogs until we raise $10,000. We have to have money in the bank in case somepuppy gets hurt or sick! Help us out, please!

One of the cute babies waiting for her forever home is Rowdi. She is a total play-baby!

Look at that face! She is going to make someone a totally fun sister! Are you ready for a party?

She's ready for a little game of hide-n-seek! She's living with my good friend Rhonda (I miss you, Rhonda), so I'm sure she's happy, but everyone wants a home of their very own!

If you can't adopt Rowdi, you could sponsor her or help save other boxers like her!


Eduardo said...

Sooooo close!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Peanut said...

Oh getting there. Mom says she will be making a donation but have to wait until payday on the 1st.

One of the pack said...

This is fantastic. You guys are really doing a great job supporting those wonderful boxers.

The shelters keep filling up with new dogs. We've got to make this goal to keep saving!

Thank you to all!

Loving Life,

Gaia the Airedale said...

Hi there Cubby! Wow I really hope you meet your goal! Thanks so much for buying some treats, I made sure to make mom throw in an extra for you :)

puppy breath,

Cairo The Boxer said...

Congrats Cubby!

We would give but my parents said they are kind of tight right now. I don't know what that means but when they get untight I will make them give some.

Ari_1965 said...

Sorry, we have the "tight" thing happening at my house, too. But I do send good wishes in the direction of Texas.

Peanut said...

I gave you an award. Check out my blog

L said...

Rowdi looks like she lives up to her name! We hope you reach your goal.